Monday, March 07, 2011

Telling secrets

Today I am especially thankful for my big mouth, for not being able to keep a secret. For having a mom that told me, since I was very little, "secrets make you sick".

I still remember the secrets I used to tell in elementary school. I remember how scared I was when I told a fellow first-grader that I picked my nose. I remember the feeling of connection, of intimacy, when she said... "me too!" Who would've thought? "I put them on them on my sheets." "I put them in my pockets."

I remember standing in circles with other girls at the playground, simply telling secrets. I remember the telling of secrets at sleepovers late at night, an unspoken tradition at little girls' sleepovers. A foundation for friendship.

It seems like telling secrets gets harder as you get older. The secrets seem bigger, darker, worse. It takes longer to trust someone, longer to make a friend. We all have secrets and they all seem horrible to us, just as horrible as putting boogers in your pocket sounds to a first grader. I am convinced that your level of happiness/mental health is directly proportional to how many of your secrets you tell.

"As I told my friend, I feel naked, exposed, like my soul has been revealed to the entire world. It is a very strange feeling to be speaking to someone and then realize that they have seen you from the inside out, without you ever having directed a thing to them!" about blogging, from Praying for Nina

"Our secrets are human secrets, and our trusting each other to share them with each other has much to do with the secret of what it is to be human.” ~Beuchner, Telling Secrets
"And maybe, just maybe, telling the secrets of the dark bring us out into the Light."
Of blogging, secrets, porn and truth @
"For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him... And this is the verdict, that the light came into the world, but people preferred darkness to light, because their works were evil. For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come toward the light, so that his works might not be exposed. But whoever lives the truth comes to the light, so that his works may be clearly seen as done in God." Jn 3,17.19-21

"This only serves to confirm my suspicions, that I'm still a man in need of a savior" DC Talk

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