Thursday, October 11, 2012

If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it...

It's true, I really did dream of a ring (see quote below) and it has changed my life drastically since I received it a few months ago. Luckily, it hasn't been just an exterior thing, but interior: good decisions, clearer priorities, more stability, better prayer, more awareness of what's really important. And this has all been thanks to my "adequate help" (Gn 2:18)... and current fiancee... Daniel. He not only makes me a better person, he makes life a lot better. 

Two or three years ago, someone told us: "If it's really love, it will only grow each day." And in the last year, it really has. I'm so excited about the future. 

“Aristóteles define o seu ponto de referência: ‘Por macho entendemos o ser que gera noutro, e por fêmea o ser que gera em si’. O homem penetra e a mulher é penetrada; o homem gera no exterior de si, a mulher concebe no seu seio. Isso não significa que um é activo e a outra passiva, mas que a acção masculina é transitiva (termina fora do agente) e a acção feminina é imanente (acaba no interior) – o que confere ao homem e à mulher uma imagem dos seus corpos radicalmente distinta. Onde no amor ela sente como acolhedora, ele apreende-se como conquistador. Como é que a sua relação com o mundo poderia ser a mesma? O menino brinca à guerra. A menina sonha com a aliança no dedo.”
From A Profundidade dos Sexos by Fabrice Hadjadj, p. 66

(my translation)“Aristotle defines his point of reference: ‘By male we understand the being that generates in another, and by female the being that generates in herself’. Man penetrates and woman is penetrated; man generates in his exterior, woman conceives in her womb. This does not mean that one is active and the other passive, but instead that masculine action is transitive (ends outside the agent) and feminine action is immanent (ends inside) – which confers to man and woman a radically different image of their bodies. While in love she feels welcoming, he sees himself as a conquerer. How could their relationship with the world possibly be the same? The boy plays war. The girl dreams of a wedding ring on her finger.” 

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