Monday, April 20, 2015

Each day had its own proper work

"Each day had its own proper work. Ma used to say: wash on Monday, iron on Tuesday, mend on Wednesday, churn on Thursday, clean on Friday, bake on Saturday, rest on Sunday. Laura liked the churning and the baking days best of all the week." - Little House in the Big Woods
I've always had a day for grocery shopping (even though I don't anymore) and a day for cleaning the house, but it has helped me to assign more "duties" to each weekday. I don't always do them of course, but here is what I (try to) do each day:

M: clean the house, water plants
T: higiene day (manicure, etc), make soup, family night
W: (if I had time it would be my artsy day), prayer night
Th: errands
F: clean floor, change sheets and towels, date night
St: (if I had time it would be my baking day and prepare for Sunday day, but it has been private tutoring and grocery shopping)
S: hike or picnic (and mass of course)

Do have "days" for things? Or do you prefer spreading cleaning out, for example? Please share!

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