Thursday, January 29, 2015

Generous distributors of grace

READING 1 Peter 4:8-11a
As generous distributors of God’s manifold grace, put your gifts at the service of one another, each in the measure he has received. The one who speaks is to deliver God’s message. The one who serves is to do it with the strength provided by God. Thus, in all of you God is to be glorified through Jesus Christ.
(From today's morning prayer)

I've been thinking a lot about why to blog. I think the question has to be, Does God want me to blog? And why? It's a pretty awkward question. Why would the all-powerful creator of the universe want me to ramble about my life or give my (usually uninformed and silly) opinions about things?
I think, like anything we do, it can't be about showing off or about getting approval/affirmation/praise from others. It has to be like what He talks about in this reading today. We have been given to freely, so we must give freely back. Use our gifts and that which we receive. Which in my case is writing, "spiritual" thoughts, Truth, beauty, organization, family, HELP. 
My beautiful family RECEIVING at a New Year's Eve mini "retreat"...  

A blogger's prayer:

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Thursday, January 22, 2015

Room for improvement

Becoming a mother has definitely made me realize I'm not as great a person as I thought I was. There is a whole lot of room for improvement.
It really is no small feat God did when he gave me this adorable little being to take care of. Sometimes I think about that as I watch her play and baby talk in the living room.

Playing peek-a-boo. She also dances. She's becoming funnier each day.

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Friday, January 16, 2015

New year, new leaf

I have been pretty quiet around here lately, it's true. I went to an "advisory interview" in December and was urged to reflect on WHY I do things... if it's from the inside out or if it's for this anxiety for status I seem to have. So of course that causes me to wonder, why am I blogging? Is it really from the inside out? A form of expression? A service to others? Or is it just a show off/popularity thing? I will continue this reflection, and continue blogging as of now.
Meanwhile, I would really appreciate it if you told me:
What would you like to see on this blog?
Please comment or send me an email... it will be super useful.
Pictures from our New Year's "date" and reflection.


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Article at CatholicStand

I write about homeschooling (a topic that I think about a lot, due to blogs I read... but wouldn't work for me personally) here...