Friday, March 24, 2017

Sacrament for the world

I am slightly obsessed with Bishop Robert Barron's podcast. I loved this one about how this dualism of body and soul/mind, where you can manipulate your body however you want, is very old. Older than Christianity. He mentions Plato (before Christianity), gnosticism (4th century heresy) and the nominalists in the 16th century. He explains philosophy in such a simple way. I loved this one in which he explains how God is not a being among beings, but the cause of being. And this one in which he suggests if you want to have something to say, read and pray.

I also loved this questions and answers episode and thought the way he described the sacrament of marriage was so simple and beautiful. I am so blessed to live this sacrament. It also reminded me of this article I saw on The Public Discourse which says your marriage is the greatest project of your life.

I wanted to write Bishop Robert Barron's explanation here:

"It's a peculiarity of Catholic sacramental theology that marriage is not so much a sacrament that we receive but rather a sacrament that these two people become. A sacrament is a sacred sign of God's presence. What the two young people do in front of the priest is they exchange their vows, they pledge their love to each oher and the priest witnesses that. And he witnesses the fact that they are becoming thereby a sacrament of God's love in the world. It was of course Paul that said that, marriage is a kind of 'mysterion' he said, it's a mystery. And that's rendered in Latin as 'sacramentum', a sacred sign of God's love in the world. And that's why people get married in the Church. Like I said it's not just because they fell in love. Any secular romantic could look at the two of them and say, 'oh those two kids are in love, isn't that great?' Well, it is great, but it's no reason to get married in the Church. You get married in the Church when you say we're willing to be a sacrament for the world."

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