Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Graced and Gifted: Biblical Wisdom for the Homemaker's Heart by Kimberly Hahn quotes

I’m thinking answers to my prayers, dreams and general queries come an average of two years later. I remember three years ago when I first “became” a stay-at-home mom I was so panicked with how to organize my time. I remember talking to my spiritual director about it and him not really understanding my angst. So it’s good to have books like this one that suggest more practical, but still prayerful, approaches to organizing your time and your house. I didn’t like all the parts of the book or find them all useful, but it’s worth four stars even if just for the first part of the book about priorities. I loved the use of the “p”s for organizing your priorities and am constantly thinking about how I should be exercising instead of cleaning/taking kids of kids/etc.

My favorite quotes:

“We can learn a lot from other families, provided we avoid comparisons that make us feel like failures. Perhaps we can incorporate one new idea into our family life or try one new recipe for a meatless Friday meal. When we share ideas and recipes with other families, we need to remember that we do not have to do everything, and we do not want to overwhelm anyone else. We thank God for the grace to do what we can.” (pg 41)

“He compared sleep to a little death in which we lose consciousness as we relinquish our control, and rising the next day to a little resurrection. Our prayer time reminds us of who God is, who we are and why we are doing what we are doing.” (pg 66)

“Time for prayer is like scuba diving in the midst of a storm; it is peaceful below the storm, if we go deep enough… When things are very difficult, we recall all that te Lord has already done for us and that he oes not change even though our circumstances do.” (pg 67)

“I remind myself daily, There is all the time I need today to do God’s will today. Prayer is an essential part of that reminder.” (pg 70)

“In his bok Appointment With God, Father Michael Scanlan mentions including at least five minutes of silence to listen to God, noting any inspirations that come as additional tasks for the day (for example, speak to this person, write this thank-you note, offer a meal to this family).” (pg 70)

“A helpful word picture is a train: The engine represents the facts about God, who I am in Christ and what is this vocation to which I am called; the cargo car represents my faith connected to the facts (the engine can run with or without my faith); and the caboose represents my feelings – nice but unnecessary. Our feelings of sadness, unresolved relational difficulties, frustration and depression can derail the train.” (pg 72)

“We are sabbatarian creatures; we cannot work all seven days a week and still be healthy people.” (pg 85)

“Not only do you give this day to the Lord, but he gives it back to you as a day of relaxation with family and friends.” (pg 86)

“Just as Friday is the day of preparation for the Jews’ Sabbath, Saturday is our day of preparation for the Lord’s Day. We think about and prepare for our Sunday meal, so that we do not have to purchase groceries on Sunday and make store employees work.” (pg 87)

“We discover that uncluttered thinking results from uncluttered time and space.” (pg 88)

“We know that each day is still going according to plan; it’s just not necessarily our plan.” (pg 92)

“Each task becomes a response to the Lord. He is the one asking me to cook dinner, do laundy, find a Band-Aid, pick up a tearful baby, sweep up the crumbs. Moving away from self-pity (‘No one notices all I am doing. I am merely the unpaid maid of the house!’) and toward imitating Christ’s selfless love, we recall for whom we do each task. A the Franciscan University rugby team proclaims, ‘We play for an audience of One!’ So do we.” (pg 108)

“More than function, beauty in our homes ministers to our souls.” (pg 117)

“One day she declared that the sanest people in the world were farmers and fishermen. She believed they did not lose touch with reality because they never lost touch with the stuff of creation.” (pg 148)

“And the key to having deep roots, according to the psalmist, is delighting in God’s Word, reading it and meditating on it.”

“Sometimes we do not notice how much we rely on our natural virtue and talents to do things for God. However, if we are not abiding in Christ, our efforts fall flat.” (pg 157)

“At the end of Mass, I often prayed with our children that God would reveal to them their mission in life.” (pg 173)

“To live by grace means that we admit how weak we are and how much we need his strength so that we can do these good works.” (pg 199)

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