Saturday, August 31, 2019


Pictures from our trip in Spain.
At the DinoPark in Lourinhã, Portugal (which I highly recommend!)
A few days up north, at the village where my mother-in-law was born
A failed glamping trip

So our summer vacation is officially over. We spent two weeks in Spain on a "Family Enrichment Holiday", where we met fifteen other families from Europe and the US and did in part training, in part leisure activities. It was all part of the International Federation for Family Development (, which organizes great courses for couples. You should look one up in your area! It was a ten-hour car trip there, pretty hot and I had to cook and clean so it wasn't the most relaxing vacation ever, but it was worth it and I learned so much. I am still gleaning all the lessons I learned from that trip. 

Last week was our last hurrah of a vacation out. We spent a few days in the north with family, which was great. That was just a four-hour car trip… I say "just" with some sarcasm… but again, it was worth it. Then we went on a glamping trip that we had envisioned would be the best part of our summer and the only actually relaxing part of our vacation, when in fact it was the opposite. We all got a stomach bug right before going, and cancelled one night. Then we went anyway, but were pretty tired. Tommy is still sick. It wasn't as glamorous as we were expecting. Just kind of overpriced and very hipster. 

Well, I guess life is like that. Never like you plan. 

I am excited to start our new schedule and our new plans for this year. I am excited for us to add a new baby to our little family the first week of October and pretty scared about it too. I still have a million things I want to do this month before she gets here, as usual. 

How was your summer vacation? Or staycation?

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